Monday, June 6, 2016

My son, the headbanger

Toddlers. Little people with a lot of emotions and opinions, but who lack the proper vocabulary with which to express themselves. As a result, they lash out. It would seem their tantrum styles are as varied as they are.
  • One of my nieces kicks. Especially if she's being held. That tends to wind in disaster, especially if her father or one of her uncles is holding her. 
  • I've seen other kids at day care launch anything they can get their hands on across the room.
  • Biters may possibly be the worst. Though they be but little, their teeth are sharp and their jaws are powerful.
C tends to channel an 80s hairband god and bang his head. This sometimes means falling backwards on the floor (most of which is carpet in our house). In the car (or high chair) he likes bonking his head backwards against the headrest. This weekend's tantrum though, took the cake.

He tried to Judo chop the side rail of his crib with his forehead.

But instead of successfully pulling off his new "Daniel-son" move (if you don't get this reference, you're too young), he realized that head + wood + force = pain.

Maybe this is one of his first physics lessons. Probably not.

After ensuring he was okay, no visible lump or bruising, the first words out of my mouth were, "Now what did we learn?"

I wonder how Ricky mastered ventriloquism so quickly. 

Sadly, I doubt this lesson will sink in. At least not yet. Someday though. In the meantime, maybe we should invest in some helmets.

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