Tuesday, February 23, 2016


"Thoughts on dinner?" 

I cringe. I hate this discussion. Hate. It. Loathe. Abhor. Despise.

Ricky and I are both relatively apathetic when it comes to food - me from a brief flirtation with anorexia in college, him from being tired of the one who has to cook most of the time (long story short, I've had a few disastrous cooking experiments so he tends to be a little trigger shy when it comes to me trying to cook new things. I insist it's the way to learn, he says his stomach disagrees 9 times out of 10) - so this is the conversation version of the spinning wheel of death.


I swear, I'm not avoiding the question. I'm actually racing through a bunch of ideas trying to come up with something, anything that will work, is easy to cook/clean up, relatively healthy, and something that C might eat.

A random list of ideas starts streaming from my mouth. I can picture Ricky's reaction on the other side of the phone. Tensing of the shoulders and an eye roll, as my list consists of things that I know I can cook, but that he's long burnt out on since my reliable repertoire is kind of limited.

"No, Lindsey."

"Well, what are your thoughts?"

This is my usual cop out answer. Whatever he suggests I'll normally agree to instantly. He knows it is, that's why (much to my frustration) he usually doesn't play into it.

What? I'll eat almost anything. He's a bit pickier so this is a guaranteed win because I know he'll eat it as it was his suggestion.

"I don't have any particular thoughts."

Damnit. I start Googling ideas, copying recipes that seem interesting - to me - into chat and sending them to him while trying to buy more time on the phone.

Eventually after a lot of back and forth, and endless amounts of frustration on both our parts, we come to a conclusion. It's not necessarily something that sounds amazing, but it'll do. Again, we're both pretty apathetic.

There has got to be a better way to figure out what we're doing for dinner.


Suggestions welcome. Seriously, if you have a favorite website with healthy, easy recipes please share.

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